Immersive Experiences

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About ENmmerse - Immersive Experiences

We are next generation of immersive content creators, immersive even creators and software development company located in Vancouver, Canada and Sydney, Australia. An immersive reality and augmented reality think tank of new concepts in augmented and immersive video production, post-production and projections.

Immersive Content

Through immersive 360° 2D and 360° 3D content, immersive content transports you to locations all over the globe. Instantly travel to remote spots anywhere in the world. a stroll among historic sites Visit endangered jungles, the icy expanses of the Antarctic, or even space.

Engaging Immersive Projected Experiences

Interactive 3D mapped projections using latest multi-media experiences with touch and visual senestive concepts which thrill and engage audiences like never before. Interactivity in an immersive virtual World. Viewers interact with dynamic content which displays information based on where the viewer looks or clicks using multiple projectors and camera small space. Viewers are engaged by the appearance of elements which can appear or disappear. Informational banners can appear or a video or audio file can played.

Multi-Plot Story Immersion

360 / 3D or projected immersive musical and visual experiences which change depending on what the viewer looks at while the story is being played. Engaging and immersive content interacts with the viewer by creating “hotspots” of interactivity. Immersive storytelling creates a movie-like experience where the viewer changes the outcome of the story.

Tactile Immersive Experiences

With the explosion of tactile virtual realty gloves and interactive 360 / 3D computer generated projected animations, real-time interactivity between viewer and projected event can be created in for educational or entertainment purposes. Complex stories can be told through immersive interactive experiences using deep-fake technologies to create virtual musical concerts with 360 immersive audio. Viewers can be immersive in art which moves, and music with moves them in ways never before imagined.

Immersive Apps and Games

360 / 3D and projected reality mobile and desktop games which can show viewers anything from complex interactive experiences with A.I and cognitive reasoning. Immerse games which change with each viewer they interact with real-time and that can provide feedback about eye-movement, facial expressions, read heart-rates and much more. Real-time feedback to an A.I learning algorithm which changes the parameters of experiences which can become customized for each viewers based on the feedback received.

Immersive Interactivity

Emotionally connected content through immersion. Viewers can experience multi different types of experiences and come away with connection like never before. A regeneration of ideas, throughs and content which may have been long forgotten about by using multi-media and facial replacement technologies.

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Our Service


Immersive and engaging projected. 360 virtual reality and augmented reality experiences. We are dedicated to creating compelling immersive, captivating and inspirational experiences interactive and experiential like never before.

360 / 3D Virtual Reality Content Creation

Creating compelling content such as immersive interactive virtual experiences.

Augmented Reality Content Experiences

360 / 3D Real-Time animated interactive augmented reality realistic and computer simulations and augmented reality video and audio experiences.

Projection Mapping and Interactive Projected Experiences

The development of state-of-the-art projected experiences. The merging of art and science.

Our Service

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We welcome you to contact us for more information
find out about our immersive events.